I created a SPRING CLEANING CHECKLIST to make it easier on you when going through your home. You don’t have to do everything at once. Maybe tackle one area or room a week and just check things off as you go. Or you can very well do these in one weekend!
Spring is around the corner and what better way to leave the gloomy winter days behind than to do some spring cleaning! It’s the perfect opportunity to refresh your home and welcome the new season.

Now.. onto cleaning!
As you think about what areas of your home to work through, here are some areas that sometimes may be overlooked but deserve a spot on your list:
So much dust and debris collects here and it’s easy to overlook. Start by doing a quick vacuum to collect loose dirt, hair, etc. then go over the area with a damp cloth. This tool from amazon is a must have!
Now is a great time to check those air filters to remove any dust and particles that collected throughout the year.
I know we all probably skip this area during our regular cleaning throughout the year (I’m guilty of this!) but now’s the time to put a little more effort and move those large pieces of furniture to really get those spots clean.
Inside and out — even appliances like your dishwasher, refrigerator and washing machine.
Go beyond vacuuming and actually give your floors a good mop.
These can collect a lot of dust over time so don’t skip these! I like to also take things off the shelves, spray the shelf with the appropriate cleaner based on it’s surface type, and wipe them using a microfiber cloth.
Everything from the window treatments, tracks and sills, and the actual window itself as well as the screen.
We’re all not regularly cleaning the insides of our drawers and cabinets so chances are there’s some residue and debris inside. Take everything out and give the interiors a good wipe (p.s now is the perfect chance to declutter and throw out things you’re no longer using).
Sometimes your cleaning tools and cleaners can make all the difference and save you half the time. So, here’s everything I use that I swear by. I mean, why make it harder on ourselves, right!

- Mop
- Handheld vacuum
- Duster Sponges
- Gloves
- Microfiber cloths – I love these and these
- Power scrubber tools like this and this
- Crevice brush (for hard to reach places!)
Majority of these are plant based!
I’ve saved all my favorite cleaning products to my Amazon Storefront so you can shop them all here or below! Happy cleaning!